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Grocery Bills Savings Hack

The grocery bill may be one of the biggest expenses in your household. With some planning and using some creative means, you can reduce your grocery bill.

Are you tired of seeing your hard-earned money vanish at the checkout line? With a few simple hacks, you can slash your grocery bill and still eat well. Here's how to become a savvier shopper and save money on your groceries.

No matter how many people there may be in your family, your grocery bill can be one of the most expensive items. With a little planning and some creativity, there are ways you can cut your spending at the grocery store. Before you know it, you will find a way to get the store to pay you for shopping there.

1. Meal Plan

Before you hit the grocery store, plan your meals for the week. This way, you'll know exactly what you need, which can help you avoid impulse purchases. Be sure to include some low-cost meals in your plan, like pasta or homemade soup. Be sure to check out your pantry to avoid buying things you do not need. Sit with your family and develop a menu. You can check out recipes to help plan out your meals and create a list when you go grocery shipping. Try to plan out meals for two weeks. This will allow you to reuse some items and reduce waste. You will also get to have a variety. This will help you save


2. Budget

Once you've planned your meals, make a list of what you need. Having a list can keep you focused, reduce the likelihood of forgetting items (which can lead to additional trips), and curb those impulse buys. To begin you need to develop a budget. Make a list by category for produce, meat, pantry, veggies, etc.  Estimate the cost you will spend in each area. Look at the average amount you have spent over several months. If the amount is above your budget you can see where you can make cuts. 

∎ Shop Sales

Take a look at the sales circulars for the grocery stores in your area before you shop. Try to plan meals around what's on sale. Remember, a deal isn't a deal if it's something you wouldn't normally buy, so stick to your list! Even if you live in a small town you may not have a big selection but you can find some good deals. If you take the time to look there are some savings out there that are waiting for you.

∎ Buy In-Season Produce

Fruits and vegetables are typically cheaper when they're in season. Plus, they're usually at peak freshness, so you'll get better quality for less money. Consider buying extra and freezing it for future use.

∎ Buy Store Brands

Often, the store-brand items are just as good as the name-brand ones but at a fraction of the cost. Don't be afraid to try store brands. You may not even notice a difference.

∎ Coupons

Most grocery shops have paper and store flyers with coupons. You can also check the internet to look for coupons. Match up your coupons with the items on your grocery list to get the discounts. Coupon clubs have other members that bring coupons you can use in return for the ones you don't use. There are online groups that share coupons as well as various coupon apps that will go out and find discounts for you.

3. Bulk Buying

Buying in bulk can save money, especially for non-perishable items like rice, pasta, and canned goods. But remember, only buy in bulk if you're sure you'll use all of it before it goes bad. If you are going to save money on a specific item you use, buy then in bulk. Compare the price of a single item and the bulk price. Some are non-perishable such as paper products and cleaning supplies. Buy meat and chicken frozen for a bigger discount. To keep bulk frozen meat fresh, package them in individual servings.

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