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Holiday Shopping for the One You Love

Giving gifts is a great way to add variety and excitement to a relationship. Sometimes, gifts are given for no reason. Other times, holiday shopping for the one you love can be exciting.

Here are a few tips to consider when doing holiday shopping for the one you love. The gifts you give do not always have to be store-bought. He will appreciate that you took the time to do some holiday shopping for him. That will make the gift so much more meaningful. Here are some homemade gift ideas.

1. Get Nostalgic

Choose some of the things he uses every day or try to find things that were his favorites from when he was little. And if you choose to make a basket full of his favorite things when he was growing up. He will treasure it always. If you have been dating for a while, you know him pretty well. Why not put together a gift basket with some of his favorite stuff in it. You don't have to put related items inside the basket.

2. Survival Kit

Here is another good one, a work survival kit. What does he do for a living? Does he work behind a desk all day? Fill a basket with his favorite pens, a new tie, a nice new shirt, some healthy snacks, an energy shot or two, a new coffee cup, and his favorite kind of coffee. Do not forget to include a nice picture of the two of you that he can keep on his desk.

3. Mom Knows Best

Go speak to his mother. If she will give you some pictures of when he was little. Make a collage of those pictures, frame it, wrap it, and put it under the tree for him to open on Christmas morning. If you do the childhood collage, he will relate some stories about what he was doing in some of the pictures. You will get to know him better through the pictures and the stories.

You could do the same with pictures of the two of you from a trip you took together or special times you have had. He will love you for it and put it up in a prominent place where he can see it every day. It will be a reminder of the wonderful childhood he had or the wonderful times you have spent together. You both will be closer than ever because of this one little gift.

4. Get Knitting

A very thoughtful and personal gift is something made not bought. If you like to knit or sew, you could make him a new sweater or shirt. You most likely know what size he wears. Pick out a pattern and buy the material you need. If you live together, keeping this a secret may be the hardest thing to do. Do your cutting and stitching at a friend's house or your mother's and swear them to secrecy.

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