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How To Not Forget Anything Again

Being forgetful about little things isn’t a good sign of a healthy mind or good memory. It is ok to experience a slip of thought, time and again. But constantly forgetting things create an even bigger conflict with upcoming tasks.

It could be a minor detail, such as forgetting where you put your keys. This could be a simple mistake for you. But, if you think about it, what happened was a memory malfunction.

Unfortunately, it may become even worse than it is now. Other than your car keys, forgetfulness can encompass a wide range of serious issues. You may also overlook important events and deadlines.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to improve your memory. It is critical to provide your mind with a frame of reference. Allow your mind to form its own associations with objects.

1. Organize things

The way in which you organize your thoughts is key. Organizing and staying on top of tasks get increasingly difficult when you don't. And ultimately, the things that are important to you will be affected by this.

Putting things in the same place every time makes it easy to find them every time. To remember where you placed your car keys, use a container placed somewhere you can spot. Likewise, if you establish specific folders for documents, you'll know right where to go first.

2. Get more info

In addition to remembering facts and history, it's crucial to retain relevant information. If you can't remember someone's name, ask for more information. "Where are you from?" and "What do you do for a living these days?" "Who is your superior?".

This is not only a great way to learn more about them, but it also allows you to associate this information with their name. This will assist you in remembering the name because it will assist you in remembering the nuances of the situation.

3. Don't be absent-minded

One way to avoid absent-mindedness that makes you forget things is to break the routine. Let's say you always keep your keys in your right pocket. Put them in your left pocket in the morning so you don't have to break your pattern when you're ready to leave. This sends a signal to your brain that something has changed and requires your attention.

4. Make notes

Take notes and keep records on the go with your smartphone. Alternatively, you can write things down on a piece of paper. Writing things down activates both the left and right parts of your brain. This helps to register them in your memory, from which you can retrieve them at a later time.

However, while handwritten notes are excellent for retaining knowledge, smartphones are particularly useful for having the information readily available to access and use whenever you need them. Amp up your memory by adding repetition when you do both!


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